JLPT N1 Grammar: なりに / なりの


Suitable; in one's own way/style

How to use it?

Verb+なりに / [なりの+noun]

Noun+なりに / [なりの+noun]

な-adjective+なりに / [なりの+noun]

い-adjective+なりに / [なりの+noun]

Example Sentences:

素人なりによくやった。He did well for an amateur.

なりに頑張ったが、結果はダメだった。I tried my best in my own way, but the result was not good.

大人なりの魅力を出したい。I want to show the charm of being an adult.

藤沢は彼なりに良いやつだ。In his own way, Fujisawa is a pretty good guy.

先輩が不登校の理由は私なりに理解しています。I think I understand why my senior quit going to school.

入学式に出席するなら、それなりの服装をするべきです。If you are going to attend the entrance ceremony, you should dress appropriately.


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