7 usages of より


The primary usage of より is "comparison," but you already knew that. 

Such as "牛肉は豚肉より値段が高い。".

What I want to tell you today are other uses:

1. Represents the starting point of time or space.


When it is used in this way, "より" can be exchanged with "から," but "より" is written language.

 I. If it represents the starting point of time, its sentence pattern is「Time+より」, Such as「会議は午後三時より行います」.

II. If it represents the starting point of space, its sentence pattern is「~より + Words for the position(First, first, last, up, down...)」, Such as「三時より後なら時間が空いています」.

III. When representing the starting point of action, its sentence pattern is「~より+Verb」, Such as「新幹線の車窓より見た富士山は綺麗です」.

2. Passing or passing places (can be replaced by から).

校門よりお入りください。Please go in through the school gate.

3. Components or raw materials.

椅子は、木より作る。The chair makes from wood.









from: https://zh.hinative.com/questions/16796760

4. Choose.

At first glance, we may mistakenly think it is the meaning of comparison. In fact, it is more appropriate to use "choice" to explain the sentence.

It feels like「AではなくB…」. For example, "「田中さんより鈴木さんのほうが金持ちです」" means "Tanaka is not rich, but Suzuki."

僕はビールよりワイスキーのほうが好きだ。What I like is not beer, but whisky.

(If you want me to choose, you'd better let me choose whisky if you want me to choose beer.)

5. Limit the scope of place and time.

ここより西へ行けば、小学校がある。Go west from here; there is a primary school. (It can be represented by "から.")

6. It is added before adjectives and adverbs to express the meaning of "More" and used as adverbs.

次の会には、より多くの方々にお集まりいただきと思う。More people will be invited to gather next time.

7. Means there is nothing else


バスもタクシーもないところだから、歩いていくより仕方がない。There was no bus or taxi, so I had to walk there.


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